Simple tips to prevent formation of tooth cavities among children

Simple tips to prevent formation of tooth cavities among children

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Dental cavity is a common oral health problem. It affects both children and adults similarly. This cavity is actually a hole that is formed in a tooth. These are all common information about cavities that everyone knows about. What everyone does not know about is a cavity is it is also a result of the decay process of the tooth. As the decay sets in, it takes some time to form a hole in the tooth. It is possible to stop the progress of a cavity in the tooth. It is even possible to reverse the procedure of decay in the tooth. Now you must be wondering how those are possible! We shall address that in the appropriate setting. Before anything else it is important to fill you up with some important information, namely –

  • How decay sets in a tooth

First let us start with basics. Let us explore a little about what is there inside our mouth.

Insides of our mouth

The inside of our mouths is full of bacteria. There are hundreds and thousands of types of bacteria live in our mouth. A dentist who charges affordable cost for tooth decay treatment in London says these bacteria are there everywhere in the mouth including the teeth, tongue, gums and any other place inside the oral cavity.

Some of these bacteria are helpful whereas some are harmful for us. The bacteria that cause tooth decay are examples of harmful bacteria that live in our mouth. Some types of bacteria convert sugar present in the foods and drinks you consume into acid. In course of time this acid erodes away the outermost covering of the tooth or enamel to start forming a cavity in the tooth.

More about the inside of our mouth

Throughout the day a tug of war keeps going inside our mouths between two teams. One team includes dental plaques, food debris, sugar or starch from foods and drinks you have. Dental plaques are nothing but sticky, colourless film of harmful bacteria that keeps forming in the mouth. When you eat or drink anything that contains either starch or sugar then the harmful bacteria present in the mouth convert those sugar or starch into acid. The acid gradually eats away the enamel surface of the tooth.

The other team is comprised of minerals (mostly calcium and phosphate) that are present in the saliva and fluoride. Fluoride comes from our regular toothpaste, water and several different sources. This team is dedicated to provide enamel repair. It repairs the enamel by replacing the minerals that are lost in acid attacks.

To cut a long story short our teeth experience these natural processes of losing and regaining minerals day in and day out.

How a cavity is formed

There are chances when your tooth gets exposed to the acid pretty frequently. The chances are formed when you eat or drink at tiny intervals frequently. if include lots of sugar or starch in your foods and drinks then that too exposes your teeth to repeated acid attacks. As a result the enamel of the teeth starts losing minerals. Sometimes a white spot or patch shows up on a tooth. This is a sign of early decay of the tooth. The spots usually appear where the mineral is lost.

Dentists having years of experience in providing treatment to tooth cavity opine at this point of time it is possible to stop decay of the tooth. Enamel has the ability to repair itself using fluoride from different sources including your toothpaste. It also uses minerals from your saliva in the repairing process. On the other hand if the procedure of tooth decay continues it results in more loss of minerals. Gradually the enamel of the tooth becomes increasingly weaker and then it gets destroyed. As the enamel gets destroyed a cavity is formed in the tooth. A cavity is a permanent damage made to the structure of a tooth. It must be repaired with a filling.

How to help the teeth avoid cavities

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One of the most effective ways to help the teeth prevent cavities is using fluoride. Fluoride is a natural substance, a mineral that can reverse the process of tooth decay in the early stages. It can also check the progress of tooth decay.

  • Fluoride is ever active to protect your teeth.
  • It minimises the ability of the harmful bacteria to create acid that eats up the tooth enamel.
  • It prevents the loss of minerals in the enamel of the tooth.
  • If there is any loss of minerals then fluoride replaces the lost minerals.

What are the different sources of fluoride?

  • Most community water supplies provide fluoridated water. Always drink fluoridated water from a community water supply.
  • Brush the teeth with any fluoride toothpaste.

If your dentist thinks you are still deficit of fluoride the expert may prescribe you with fluoride tablets. He or she may tell you to use a fluoride mouth rinse. As far as children are concerned dentists usually prescribe them fluoride gel or fluoride varnish. Both these products are directly applied to the surface of the tooth.

Caution about bottled water

Bottled water usually does not contain sufficient fluoride to protect from tooth decay. If your child is still drinking bottled water then it is important to discuss the matter with your dentist. In that case the dentist may prescribe additional fluoride in form of a varnish, gel or even tablets.

Be careful about the diet of your child

  • A dentist with years of experience in tooth decay treatment says a child’s diet plays an important role in protecting them from cavities. Therefore it is important to keep an eye on your child’s diet.
  • It is always better to limit meals and snacks. This lessens the number of acid attack on the teeth. The teeth also get sufficient time to repair themselves.
  • You should reserve cookies, candies and sodas only for special occasions.
  • Limit consumption of fruit juice for your children.
  • Make sure your child brushes his or her teeth twice daily.
  • You should supervise your child when he or she brushes the teeth.
  • Brushing the teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day proves helpful for almost everyone to stay safe from cavities.
  • It is important to make sure your child does not eat or drink anything sugary after brushing the teeth for the night.
  • Teach your child to spit out toothpaste after brushing rather than swallowing it.

In addition to the tips mentioned above dentists at SW19 Confidential Dental Clinic  suggest sealants also prove helpful avoid cavities.

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