Applying your kohls promo code to your purchase has never been easier. Any coupon you receive will be automatically added to your Wallet. During checkout, these saved coupons can quickly be applied to your purchase. Just select all the promo codes and coupons you wish to use and we’ll apply them to all eligible items within your purchase.
Each online-eligible discount coupon will have a promo code associated with it. This promo code is what you will need to enter online to apply the discount or add to your Wallet. Typically these promo codes are always printed in BOLD-FACED CAPITAL LETTERS.
How do I enter an coupon/promo code?
On a desktop or tablet
You can enter your Promo Code in your shopping cart or at any time during checkout.
Click the dropdown button in the action panel at the top of the screen.
Apply your promo code in one of two ways:
If you are signed into your account, click a saved coupon.
If you have a promo code but it’s not listed already, click the button “Enter Kohl’s Cash or promo code” and type your code. It will appear as an coupon which you can select.
Please note: Some coupons are only valid with a Kohl’s Card. If you are using your Kohl’s Card, your discount will not be applied until your payment method has been selected.
Using Kohl’s Mobile or the Kohl’s App
Tap the shopping cart in the top-right corner to begin checkout.
Tap “Apply” next to Kohl’s Cash and discounts anytime during checkout.
Enter your promo code or tap the “+” next to the coupon in your Wallet.Please note: Some coupons are only valid with a Kohl’s Card. If you are using your Kohl’s Card, your discount will not be applied until your payment method has been selected.
Multiple Codes
There is a maximum of four promo codes per order. (There is a limit of two promo codes on a mobile device.)
When using a percent-off promo code and Kohl’s Cash® with your order, the system will deduct the Kohl’s Cash® first and then apply your percent-off promo code to the new subtotal. The order in which you enter your Kohl’s Cash® and promo codes does not have an impact on the total; the system applies these discounts.
Click here for more help using multiple discounts.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why am I not seeing a discount I previously had saved in my Wallet?
Once promo codes or discount coupons expire, they will automatically be removed from your Wallet. If you have received a discount coupon from Kohls, be sure to check the dates the coupon is valid if you are not seeing this in your Wallet.
Why is my promo code not applying to my purchase?
Certain items or brands are not eligible for discounts as part of our Exclusions list. This may be why your coupon has not applied to your purchase. Some discount coupons only apply to certain product categories like Home Goods or Luggage. Be sure to check the back of your coupon to find the full details.
Some coupon codes have a limited amount of uses. Please check the details of your coupon to see how many times you can use it.